Ants (Garden Ants) (Lasiur niger)
Where do they come from, no matter, one treatment is usually all it takes to remove the frantic run of ants from your kitchen, drinks machine, larder, etc.!
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Ants (Tropical Ants) (Monomorium pharaonis,Tapinoma melanocephalum, etc.)
Pharaoh, Ghost, etc., require specialist attention. Conventional Garden Ant treatment will almost certainly result in budding and therefore make this problem much worse. It is essential that Tropical Ants are dealt with correctly.
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Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius)
Without doubt the incidence of Bedbugs is increasing, this is probably due to our lifestyle. The world is getting smaller, our hot desk is used by many, the internet café is busy, how crowded was that train today, and we spend more time in hotels etc., where these troublesome creatures tend to hitch a lift, either on us our clothes or out suitcase. Any hint or suggestion of bedbugs should be attended as quickly as possible, longer term infestations may well necessitate the disposal of furnishings, bedclothes, etc. Modern treatments as used by Game and Vermin control are very effective.
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Bees (Apiformes)
Many types of Bees are found in the UK and they will generally only be treated if they pose a threat to Health and Safety, but they are not a protected species and removal can be offered if essential. An alternative is to contact The British Bee Keepers Association who should be able to put you in touch with a local Bee Keeper, Tel: 02476 696679 or
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Boar (Wild Boar) (Sus scrofa)
There are far more Wild Boar in this country than is generally known due to their reclusive nature. Wild Boar numbers are also increasing due to favourable conditions and a lack of natural predators. They are generally to be found around Kent/Sussex, Forest of Dean/Ross on Wye, Dorset and Dartmoor. Their habit of Rooting (digging for grubs etc.) causes considerable ground damage and they are well known to cause extensive property damage. This is a job for a specialized team with experience of this sort of problem; call the experts, Game and Vermin Control Head Office for full information.
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Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)
One of the largest and heaviest birds to be found in the UK, the Canada Goose is no longer a migrant but a resident. This brings with it a multitude of Health and Safety issues with the mess they leave around the Golf Course, Stables and Farms, etc... Other Ducks/Geese commonly become intimidated and move on from your estate lake as the Canada Geese become dominant in the food stakes. All in a days work for Game and Vermin Control.
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Carpet Beetle (Dermestidae such as; Anthrenus verbasci, Attagenus unicolor, Attagenus smirnovi.)
There are several types although treatment is very similar, these will commonly be brought into the home or workplace on flowers but the beetle or eggs can be found on all sorts of soft furnishings including chairs! Identification of the source in the early days may be possible but generally two Spray treatments professionally applied will solve any infestation.
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Cluster Fly (Pollenia rudis, etc.)
More of a hindrance than a Health issue the Cluster Fly can appear in Vast numbers and is not pleasing in the office or at home. The most modern, efficient equipment, will be deployed to rid your site of this fly.
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Cockroach (Blattodea;Blattella germanica, Periplaneta americana, etc.)
Much more common in the UK than many imagine, there are several species to be dealt with but most seen is the German Cockroach. Generally found in warm damp environments and therefore a problem in many kitchens. The Cockroach is always brought to site, often arriving with food deliveries, infestations can quickly get out of hand, with adult Cockroach regularly having 30 Offspring. Prompt action is required but modern methods can have this troublesome pest under control and eliminated quickly.
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Deer (Cervidae)
All species of Deer in the UK can be managed by Our Specialist Team. Deer are becoming an increasing problem - Two Roe deer can eat as much grass in a day as a Horse. Fence and crop damage is commonplace as well as causing problems for other livestock. All this adds up to a major cost liability for landowners. Road collisions are another major problem today where society is always trying to find someone to sue. In the UK, Deer
"...cause up to 74,000 road accidents a year" (
The Telegraph 17.10.2011). In addition to all other Deer services Game and Vermin Control are fully qualified and insured for Humane Roadside dispatch.
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Fleas (Siphonaptera)
It is not uncommon for fleas to be found as people move into a new home that has been empty for some time, the eggs can lay dormant for up to a year and will react to warmth as new inhabitants move into a house. Commonly found in the carpet but they will also migrate to bedding and clothing. People react differently to their bite which will usually be on the lower legs and produce a small red mark. Pesticide cannot deal with eggs, so two treatments will be required to eradicate this problem.
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Fox (Canidae;Vulpes vulpes)
Long gone are the days when the Red Fox was a nocturnal ruler of the countryside. You are more than likely to see them prowling the inner city streets, or suburban garden in today’s society in the daylight hours. With this comes the problem of smell and disease, as well as several well publicized fox attacks on people. From the biggest of free range chicken farms to your back garden Game and Vermin Control can solve your fox problems.
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Hare (Lepus europaeus)
The European Brown Hare, as found in the UK, is primarily a herbivore. Their diet will generally consist of field crops, grasses and herbs when food is plentiful. Buds, and the bark from shrubs and fruit trees tend to be their winter diet. Two or three Hares can eat as much as a sheep. This poses problems for many rural businesses, but Game and Vermin Control can keep them under control for you.
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Mice, Rats Rodents (Muroidea;Rattus / Mus musculus / Rodentia)
Mice and Rats turn up when you least expect them, many will have seen rat boxes around their Supermarket Car Park, there is no stigma anymore, these rodents can be found in all areas and all walks of life. Let our team of experts show you how efficiently and discreetly we can deal with them.
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Mink (Mustela lutreola)
The UK population of Mink actually stems from American farmed Mink which first arrived in this country in the 1920’s, and have subsequently escaped or been released. The Mink is a voracious killer and the Water Vole has suffered considerably at the hands of the Mink. Frogs, fish, ducks etc are also favourites and the Mink can cause chaos in your Pheasant rearing pens.
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Moles (Talpidae)
This Pest species can be the Gardeners and Green keepers nightmare. The ruination of many a fine lawn or Golf Green. Vegetable patches and tree roots often suffer bringing additional problems. The unsightly mole hills also bring with them collapse of many other ground areas. All modern and traditional techniques can be targeted against this Pest with results Guaranteed!!
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Moth (Endrosis sarcitrella, Hofmannophila pseudospretella, Pyralis farinalis, etc.)
The House Moth and Meal Moth are probably the most common in the UK, but there are many others. Moths can cause substantial damage to clothing and foodstuffs and are a problem domestically and commercially. Another specialty of Game and Vermin Control.
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Pigeon / Corvids / Magpies / Parakeets (Columbidae / Corvidae / Pica pica / Psittacula)
A problem for many but not for Game and Vermin Control. Our team regularly eliminates crop, property and other wildlife problems associated with these bird species.
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Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus, etc.)
Wild Rabbit in the UK are known as the European Rabbit, history would suggest they were introduced to this country by the Romans. Rabbit can be controlled by any number of traditional or modern techniques, Game and Vermin Control can offer a complete service.
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Rats and Mice, Rodents (Muroidea;Rattus / Mus musculus / Rodentia)
Rats and Mice turn up when you least expect them, many will have seen rat boxes around their Supermarket Car Park, there is no stigma anymore, these rodents can be found in all areas and all walks of life. Let our team of experts show you how efficiently and discreetly we can deal with them.
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Silverfish (Lepisma saccharina)
These insects favour cool damp and dark places, such as garages, utility rooms, laundry rooms, but may well be found in many areas of your house. They are a year round problem and can survive a substantial period without food, glue from book bindings/wallpaper paste and leather are favourites, also high on the menu are carpet and clothing, hair, sugar etc. Depending on the level of infestation one or two treatments from Game and Vermin Control will remove this problem.
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Squirrel (Grey Squirrel) (Sciurus carolinensis)
An aggressive and troublesome pest. Deliberately introduced into the UK from North America between approx. 1880-1920, the Grey Squirrel has been attributed with the dramatic decline of the Red Squirrel. The Grey carries the Squirrel Pox Virus but is immune, sadly the Red isn’t. The Grey has also been found to eat birds egg and fledglings, and cause massive forestry damage (
BBC). DEFRA has been actively involved in trying to control these pests since 2006. Common in many gardens, especially if you have Bird feeders, and roof spaces, another simple problem for Game and Vermin Control to resolve for you.
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Stored Product Insects (Pyralis farinalis, Ephestia kuehniella, etc.)
There are many that fall in this category and they will most usually be found in commercial operations. Tracing the source and removing the problem is a speciality of Game and Vermin Control.
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Wasps / Hornets (Apocrita - [more than 100,000 species] / Vespidae)
There are a number of wasps native to the UK, some are much more aggressive than others, but they all have a similar lifestyle. Fertilised females (the Queen) will emerge during the Spring and go in search of a suitable location for her nest. If the nest becomes viable it will grow throughout the year. Most calls will be made for wasp infestations from around June to the late Autumn when nests tend to become visible simply through size and activity. Any location at any height can be reached and the nest eliminated with one treatment from Game and Vermin Control.
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Other Problems
There are many other pests and problems, for instance; spiders, mites, woodlice, larvae, etc. that can be found in the home, workplace, farm etc. Game and Vermin Control are expert in identifying and treating your problem.
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